It just looked like a little front blowing through, well they were forcasting some showers.

Traveling on a four lane highway my radio cut out then it was interrupted by some heavy sounding storm warnings, I'll be right I thought 'I'm a country boy I know rain'.
Quick look at my map and the storm path was heading straight for me, may be time to pull over and have lunch at next chance.
Traveling on a four lane highway my radio cut out then it was interrupted by some heavy sounding storm warnings, I'll be right I thought 'I'm a country boy I know rain'.
Quick look at my map and the storm path was heading straight for me, may be time to pull over and have lunch at next chance.
No time to get off the highway the storm hit harder than I have ever seen when driving.
Now I'm stuck on this highway and all I could see was the front of the hood and the truck headlights in my rear view. My radio was now warning storms may turn to tornadoes. Storm chaser I think not, I was very happy to see this one pass.
Wow & it isn't even Wizard of Oz country is it? Gill