Monday, May 10, 2010

Here they are!!!

This is a little out of order for some reason this didn't upload a couple of days ago. So this is not New York but Minneapolis-Minnesota.

These cows have been bred by the research team which have attracted the attention of crossbreeding dairy farmers around the world. The program involves a three breed cross consisting of Holstein, Scandinavian Red and Montbeliard

The large white faced cow below is a Holstein-Montbéliard first cross.

The first 2 cows are the 3-way cross, these are not large cows.
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1 comment:

  1. Yes - can definately see the Montbeliard in those cows. Loved the snaps of New York too - took me back for a moment. Looking forward to catching up when you back to hear all the stories over a couple of glasses of wine... oh, and some good cheese too! Not long now til you see G,H & G - they're getting excited!
