Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Mighty Mississippi

The Mississippi river in Lake City Minnesota, so much fresh water, it's a big river even this far north!

Red Wing, on the banks of the Mississippi. The home of the boots by the same name.

Early hay! The first field of Lucerne I saw cut, the season is several weeks ahead of normal in this area. Hay on the ground and the northern areas of the state have upto 9 inches of snow forecast for the next few days.

Lucerne ready to be cut. Much of the corn is out of the ground already and the Soy beans are going in now.
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1 comment:

  1. Hi there Graeme, it's Sue Duggan here. Gill handed on your blog spot address so thought I would check it out! Just got to say, I LOVE red barns for some reason...REDBARNITIS I think they diagnosed!!! I saw lots of them in the plains of Canada! What a great trip you're having. I have been catching up with the boys and your travels. Isn't New York amazing??? Keep the great pictures coming!
